Here is an exchange of which I am very fond:

The Fitzgeralds' great friend from Great Neck, Ring Lardner, sent them a Christmas poem one year (Fitz's handwritten annotation at the end dates it in either 1927 0r 1928):
Fitz responded in kind, with one of his many witty poems.
Here is Fitz's rejoinder to Lardner:
You combed Third Avenue last year
For some small gift that was not too dear
—Like a candy cane or a worn out truss—
To give to a loving friend like us
You’d found gold eggs for such wealthy hicks
As the Edsell Fords and the Pittsburgh Fricks
The Andy Mellons, the Teddy Shonts
The Coleman T. and Pierre duPonts
But not one gift to brighten our hoem
—So I’m sending you back your God damn poem.
More Fitz Favorites anon ...
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